A long, long way to go…

April, May and early June are such interesting times here in eastern Kansas. Birds of all kinds migrate through here on their way to summer breeding areas far up north. You never know who may “drop in” even if only for a few days.

I am familiar with the songs of our local birds. When I hear something unfamiliar especially at this time of year, it warrants a closer look. In spring, the familiar becomes diluted with an assortment of strange sounds that ripple through the woods like waves of change.

For the past couple of days we had a visit from this little fellow and his small flock of “identical” friends. This is a Yellow-rumped Warbler (also known as the “Myrtle” Warbler). He has come all the way from Central America, perhaps as far south as Panama. He and his buddies will fly on tired wings until they reach Canada, where they will stay for the summer, until it is time to make this journey once again in reverse. Seeing this little guy here in east-central Kansas tells me that he has traveled for a very long distance. He has come so far…however… he still has a long, long way to go…